Farmville 2: New Coin Expansion

Thursday, 25 April 2013 0 comments

Farmville 2 Next Expansion with coins is available now and there is a lot of free water. FarmVille 2 Free expansion just explore more tp learn how to unlock your new expansion to save more space and make your farm bigger. Soon new expansions will be available for purchase and coins .These are the first images and text exclusively. Did you need space? Would you earn less space by buying expansions cheaper?
Without returned to outline a new trough is up for grabs, as well as old tree house, pigs and other free surprises! So what do you think? Remember to share the good news to alert your friends and they are motivated to all these new steps and this new watering hole!
You can now buy new expansions by spending Coins. The new expansions are now available for your farm and this plot to reach the old watering hole therein. With additional watering, you can accommodate more animals on your farm.
  • Get the expansion cards to your friends.
  • Prepare the jelly donuts.
  • Get projectors with your friends.
  • Prepares dates stuffed with nuts.
  • Get cameras
  • Prepare muffins quinoa.
  • Get ribbons celebration with your friends.
  • Unlock hog land.
  • Unlock the date palm grove.
  • Unlock the old treehouse.


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